The story of Justin Boots began in 1879, when H.J. Justin moved to Spanish Fort, Texas to become a boot repairman. He was a quick study, with an eye and talent for boot making. H.J. soon began his own boot company, Justin Boots, which he operated out of his home to serve cowboys passing though town. H.J. saw the potential for his business, so when a railroad was built ten years later in Nocona, Texas, he moved his family there to capitalize on a bigger market. In 1908, Justin Boots became a true family company when his sons, Earl and Avis, came to work for their father. Their combined efforts pushed the company forward, and just two years later, Justin Boots had doubled its production and was being sold in 26 states as well as Mexico, Canada, and Cuba. Seven years after their fathers death in 1918, his sons moved the company headquarters to Fort Worth where it still operates today.
Made in US
Rubber sole
Tobacco Cowhide Vamp
11 Black Spiral Cowhide Top
Translucent Rubber Outsole
Justin Boots