We believe this is the most cost effective natural hoof supplement available ( an 8.8lb tub will last a 16.2hh horse an amazing 120 days, when fed at 2 level scoops daily). Hoof & Health contains a balanced blend of vital nutrients to help support healthy hoof and horn growth, strength and quality, along with great coat and skin condition, deep coat color, healthy nervous and digestive system, strong musculoskeletal system and optimum health. Three seaweed species along with Rosehip shells provide bio available Iodine, Sulphur, Iron, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Selenium, vitamins Beta Carotene, B1, B2, B12, C, D & E plus 20 amino acids. Why not give this fantastic product a try, you and your farrier will notice the difference and your horse will thank you for using it.
Natural Multi Vitamin Source
Minerals & Trace Elements
Amino Acids
Hoof & Horn Growth
Hoof & Horn Strength
Hilton Herbs Ltd