Stem Cell Worx is a natural dietary health supplement that is sprayed under the tongue (enabling 95% of its nutrients to be immediately absorbed). Stem Cell Worx activates your own adult stem cells naturally and provides robust immunity. With 50 to 70 trillion cells in our body, cellular health is crucial to our overall well being and good health. Each bottle contains a 40 day supply based on the recommended dosage of 12 sprays per day. Most powerful stem cell supplement available, sold by leading Anti-Aging & Regenerative Clinics and Specialized Compounding Pharmacies in the U.S.A including the Compounding Pharmacy of Beverly Hills. All PRODUCT CLAIMS ARE BACKED BY INDEPENDENT clinical studies and science. Independent clinical testing has been carried out by Scientists and Bio-Chemists on the Stem Cell Worx formulation. The study used blood samples from healthy humans. The adult mesenchymal stem cells increased by up to 80% within two weeks of the participants taking the Stem Cell Worx supplement. Information on this clinical test and other independent studies can be found on the home page (right hand column) of the stemcellworx website. MANUFACTURED IN THE USA in a state of the art GMP registered Laboratory that is FDA Inspected.
SUBLINGUAL APPLICATION (sprayed under tongue) provides a 95% absorption rate of nutrients. Pills and capsules only provide a 10% to 20% absorption rate of nutrients at best.
STEM CELL WORX ACTIVATES ONE’S OWN ADULT STEM CELLS naturally. Cellular rejuvenation and immune response are a vital component of good health. As we age our immune system weakens. our ability to absorb nutrients through our gastrointestinal tract reduces and after age 50 our own stem cells rapidly decline by over 50%. This opens up the pathway for disease, aging and slower recovery periods. This supplement is specifically designed to combat these challenges. Each bottle contains a 40 day supply.
STEM CELL WORX IS MANUFACTURED IN THE U.S.A and contains the highest grade of natural, pure ingredients. It contains over 50% PROTEIN and has the greatest number of natural immune factors compared to any other product on the market. All product claims are backed by independent clinical studies.
TIME TAKES ITS TOLL on our own adult stem cells, which decline rapidly as we age. Stem Cells are vital for good health, repair and renewal throughout our entire lifetime. Adult stem cells are our master cells of the body and once activated they have the ability to maintain, self-renew and repair cells, tissue and muscle and reduce inflammation at any age.
HAVING YOUR OWN ADULT STEM CELLS working at optimal levels provides the platform for many cumulative health benefits. BENEFITS INCLUDE much improved energy, super charges the immune system, supports anti-inflammatory relief and provides rapid repair and recovery after illness, injury and surgery. For severe joint pain it can take 2.5 months for full benefits. Renew, Repair and Rebuild. Comes with a money back guarantee.